View Revisions: Issue #14656

Summary 0014656: Glorius Heat has outdated preqs.
Revision 2018-02-22 15:18 by jreyst
Description Reported from:
by Earl Fernandez
I noticed that the feat for Glorious Heat on D20pfsrd is missing the "worshiper of Sarenrae" perquisite as per the Inner Sea gods (April 2014), pg 212. It appears that the perquisite for the listed feat is from Faiths of Purity (April 2011), pg. 25 which does not require worshiper of Sarenrae. It might be helpful to include the difference in the original text block.
Revision 2018-02-22 02:01 by webform
Description Reported from:
by Earl Fernandez
I noticed that the feat for Glorious Heat on D20pfsrd is missing the "worshiper of Sarenrae" perquisite as per the Inner Sea gods (April 2014), pg 212. It appears that the perquisite for the listed feat is from Faiths of Purity (April 2011), pg. 25 which does not require worshiper of Sarenrae. It might be helpful to include the difference in the original text block.