View Revisions: Issue #15382

Summary 0015382: Archetype table not completely visible
Revision 2019-01-11 09:16 by webform
Description Issue type: Other
Reported from: [not specified]
by Henrik
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0
Previously, you could look up Pathfinder archetypes and see right away at the "archetype table" which abilities they changed. Now, this table is only half visible, and scrolling sideways doesn't really help when you're not looking at one archetype in particular, but rather want to see which archetypes changes "ability" x or "feat y". It now turns into a whole lot of scrolling left and right, and since the scrollbar for this is at the bottom of the page, but the upper part of the table isn't visible...well, it just turns into a complete mess. The old solution was way better. The whole table needs to be visible at the same time. I'm guessing someone thought it was a good idea to extend the columns on the left and right side of the page, but just made things worse. PLEASE fix this.
Revision 2019-01-12 08:03 by matt
Description Issue type: Other
Reported from: [not specified]
by Henrik
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0
Previously, you could look up Pathfinder archetypes and see right away at the "archetype table" which abilities they changed. Now, this table is only half visible, and scrolling sideways doesn't really help when you're not looking at one archetype in particular, but rather want to see which archetypes changes "ability" x or "feat y". It now turns into a whole lot of scrolling left and right, and since the scrollbar for this is at the bottom of the page, but the upper part of the table isn't visible...well, it just turns into a complete mess. The old solution was way better. The whole table needs to be visible at the same time. I'm guessing someone thought it was a good idea to extend the columns on the left and right side of the page, but just made things worse. PLEASE fix this.