View Revisions: Issue #14991

Summary 0014991: Add attribute/field storage to users
Revision 2018-06-14 13:02 by matt
Description Add an attribute/field storage system to user accounts, to allow for arbitrary data to be stored.

Data should be stored as a LONGTEXT, and can contain JSON data for subsystems with complex storage requirements (e.g. character creator tool), and be identified by a VARCHAR(50) attribute name.

Subsystems should use multiple entries where appropriate, and should prefix attribute names with the subsystem short code, e,g the character creator might use:


for storing multiple characters in JSON format

While the subscription system might use:


For storing a single UNIX timestamp-style date as an integer.
Revision 2018-07-04 20:32 by matt
Description Add an attribute/field storage system to user accounts, to allow for arbitrary data to be stored.

Data should be stored as a LONGTEXT, and can contain JSON data for subsystems with complex storage requirements (e.g. character creator tool), and be identified by a VARCHAR(50) attribute name.

Subsystems should use multiple entries where appropriate, and should prefix attribute names with the subsystem short code, e,g the character creator might use:

"charcreator-characters": [ ]

for storing multiple characters in JSON format

While the subscription system might use:


For storing a single UNIX timestamp-style date as an integer.